hello you,. yes you, the person reading this. i am god, sending you this secret message. yes i am real.i am communicating thru this shitty website so only the truly worthy will see it.. my child, watch all the marvel movies. yes even the shitty ones. watch them.. it will change ur life bro. guatenteed place in heaven too hjsut watch them this is real. amen

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i am Mikk. This is my hellsite. I've always liked the idea of having my own little corner of the internet that I can yell into. and so i made one, mikkamerica. god bless. Since my friends (love you guys) dont give a fuck about most of the things im into, i will yell about them here... thats the idea atleast, im probably going to forget about this in a week. But for now? mikkamerica stands strong. Im not expecting anyone to see this, truthfully i kind of hope people dont. but if you're here... :3? (this site looks best zoomed in.. not too far though itll completley break)

about me... im Mikk, as stated. Im a teen, i like making art, music, 3d modeling, binging movies and coding... maybe.i cant code. I tried to watch a tutorial but it was too boring so im kind of just going wild with this. Its pretty fun though. The guy up there in the corner is one of my characters, also named Mikk. HE is basically me but funny little character.

Im currently super into tv. just fuckign watching shows and movies. sounds weird but i used to be a little anime only freak where i refused to watch anything live action, my friends snapped me out of it and its been downhill ever since!!


yes im ultra based i know

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